Push for Cannabis Bio-Medical Innovations as Covid-19 Spreads in Africa

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Yet, South Africa is the third-most biodiverse country in the world, says Dr. Blade Nzimande the minister of science and innovation in South Africa. In June, South Africa’s health minister published a notice in the government gazette announcing the removal of cannabis plant from the country´s “Medicines Act” restrictions. South Africa announced this July that it is looking at African indigenous medicines like cannabis and others to push back against the effects of Covid-19 illnesses. “South Africa will explore the use of ´African plant medicines´ as immune-modulators and anti-coronavirus therapeutics,” announced this July Dr. As Covid-19 put pressure on drug stocks in South Africa, it seems there is a deepening embrace of cannabis as a future medical pain relief even on a legal level.

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CANNABIS CULTURE – Gogo Maseko, head of South Africa’s Traditional Herbalists Organization and a member of South Africa’s Science Ministry Indigenous Bio-Innovation Consortium, is angry and pleads, “Give us the right to tinker with cannabis and explore medical solutions for side-effects of a range of illnesses; flu, diabetes or Covid-19.”

After a slow start, Covid-19 is now infecting people rampantly and rapidly across Africa. While 500-thousand have been sickened so far across the continent, South Africa has now emerged as a global hot stop of the pandemic with a record day infection surges of 10-thousand on 7 July. It is in South Africa...

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