Senators Call For Report On State Of Psychedelic Research

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Despite the surge in the number of research institutes and universities interested in conducting psychedelics research, many transactional challenges continue to impede the negotiation of research and development agreements in the field. Conclusion Recent regulatory and scientific developments—along with the push from Senators Schatz and Booker—signal that FDA approval for psychedelics may be on the horizon. Schedule I controlled substances are the most restricted in terms of research, supply, and access,[13] and possession is criminalized. These hurdles make it hard to conduct clinical research around psychedelics. Under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, DEA classifies drugs into one of five schedules.

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Originally Published At JD Supra

Thanks to our Life Sciences Transactions + Licensing Group, including Matthew Karlyn, Mai Zymaris, and Hannah Koo, for contributing to this post.

Stacy Cline Amin Zachary Fuchs

Earlier this month, Senators Brian Schatz (D-HI) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) sent a letter...

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