Study: Retailers, Consumers Out of Sync on Cannabis Product Inventory

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One of the most difficult aspects of cannabis product inventory management is trying to predict the buying behavior of cannabis consumers, who can be unpredictable and fickle. With frequent new product launches, limited education and marketing, and burgeoning brand loyalties, the situation isn’t likely to change anytime soon. Common questions Indeed, inventory management has become one of the most important skill sets for both distributors and retailers in an industry where product development and consumer trends are moving targets. When retailers make bad buying decisions, the mistakes ripple down the supply chain and negatively impact distributors and manufacturers as well. Canadian “cannabis 2.0” products (beverages, vaporizers, etc.) remain relatively new compared to their market presence in the U.S. Size matters For struggling small operators, slow-moving inventory can be a serious concern.

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The modern retail cannabis store is a work in progress. Even in mature markets, it’s often a guessing game for general managers as they meet with new brands, evaluate new products, and decide how to allocate limited and valuable shelf and storage space. 

One of the most difficult aspects of cannabis product inventory management is trying to predict the buying behavior of cannabis consumers, who can be unpredictable and fickle. With frequent new product launches, limited education and marketing, and burgeoning...

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