Sundial Cannabis Hyped On r/WallStreetBets

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Head-quartered in the Rocky Mountain foothills of Calgary Alberta, Canada — Sundial Cannabis Growers — has been named to the subreddit r/WallStreetBets prestige list of “meme-stocks” by popular redditor Swaggy Stocks. On Thursday 27 January, Sundial Cannabis stock closed at $0.825, says David Jagielski for MotleyFool. In 2019, Sundial Cannabis faced a class-action lawsuit from a group of investors who claimed the company had failed to disclose rubber and mold contaminants in cannabis shipments before going public. What´s important to note is the gain in stock price has mobilized investors – now trading Sundial stock at an accelerated pace. This matters for Sundial because, says Antony Noto for YahooFinance, there are 8 million members in the r/WallStreetBets subgroup.

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CANNABIS CULTURE –  Are they headed for a peak or a cliff?

Head-quartered in the Rocky Mountain foothills of Calgary Alberta, Canada — Sundial Cannabis Growers — has been named to the subreddit r/WallStreetBets prestige list of “meme-stocks” by popular redditor Swaggy Stocks. 

In the past, the company’s total assets have been listed as high as $1 billion and the stock has been called a “unicorn.”  Sundial reports liquidity estimated at $610 million in cash with $61 million in convertible incoming loans and security plus a share-outlay of 1.56 common stock...

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