SZA reveals weed brownies got her fired from a retail job at Diesel

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She also previously revealed that a weed brownie mishap when she was younger led to her being fired from a retail job at Diesel, per Complex. As SZA tells it, a co-worker brought in a container of brownies and she ate two before realizing they contained cannabis. Singer SZA is celebrating one year without weed, something she never thought she’d say. Back in 2014, in an interview with LA Weekly, SZA worried that she was consuming too much weed, but also credited the plant for helping her stay grounded. SZA has also credited psychedelics mushrooms for helping her break through writer’s block.

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Singer SZA is celebrating one year without weed, something she never thought she’d say.

The 33-year-old Grammy winner shared with her 7.2 million Twitter followers that she doesn’t “miss it at all,” despite cannabis being featured in her music.

Back in 2014, in an interview with LA Weekly, SZA worried that she was consuming too much weed, but also credited the plant for helping her stay grounded.

She also previously revealed that a weed brownie mishap when she was younger led to her...

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