Teens are getting sick from high-THC cannabis products: report

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Cannabis products can potentially be manufactured to have THC levels of up to 100 per cent. Still, not all would agree that banning the amount of THC in cannabis products is the answer. In terms of its side effects, cannabis has been linked with conditions such as CHS, cannabis addiction, mental health conditions and more. The oils and waxes she purchased had THC levels of up to 90 per cent, which she consumed several times a day. This is a relatively new development, with marijuana growers and handlers in the U.S. learning how to cultivate stronger products in recent years.

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Cannabis products can potentially be manufactured to have THC levels of up to 100 per cent. This is a relatively new development, with marijuana growers and handlers in the U.S. learning how to cultivate stronger products in recent years.

According to The New York Times, these high levels of THC are affecting teens, increasing their odds of developing dependency and even resulting in conditions such as cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS)


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