Terpenes Over THC: Redefining the Perception of Quality

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When growers, retailers, and consumers decide to focus strictly on THC content, terpene preservation falls to the wayside. To Remain Competitive, Terpenes Must Be King The need for a stronger emphasis on terpene preservation isn’t a nascent or unjustified theory. Why Is Terpene Preservation so Important for Quality Cannabis? Shoppers associate the effects of cannabis with THC, turning the best-known cannabinoid into the most important factor when shopping for flower and related products. After years of chasing THC, the terpenes in today’s flower are deteriorating at a rapid rate, leaving consumers with a relatively ineffective product by the time it reaches their hands.

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Shoppers associate the effects of cannabis with THC, turning the best-known cannabinoid into the most important factor when shopping for flower and related products. As a result of the industry’s push to meet ill-informed consumer demand, the overall quality of product has fallen significantly.

When growers, retailers, and consumers decide to focus strictly on THC content, terpene preservation falls to the wayside. After years of chasing THC, the terpenes in today’s flower are deteriorating at a rapid rate, leaving consumers with a relatively ineffective product by the...

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