THC Extraction: How to Turn Trim to Profits

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Water leaves (leaves without crystals) are often left in the trim to be extracted. These are the water leaves, sugar leaves and unformed nugs left on the stems and stocks that have been harvested for nugs. When using a solvent system, be careful not to overload the amount of product blowing through the tubes. A proper farmer can trim an outdoor nug to look like an indoor nug, but it takes the careful removal of all water leaves and stems from the product. Processing 10-20 lbs of trim should take at least 24 hours on a closed-loop solvent system and up to 10 days with alcohol and water distillation methods.

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Growers, tenders, trimmers, producers and distributors all take different risks, skillsets and roles. Working with cannabis insiders operating on both sides of the law gives insight into the process of cultivating these plants and turning them into profit. Utilizing trim is one such way.

The strain of cannabis grown doesn’t matter as much as the process you use to grow, harvest and prep the product for sale. Fruit and vegetables bought in a store aren’t just ripped from the ground and sold as is – they’re gussied up and made presentable. Cannabis is no different.

The types of...

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