The Cannabis Now Guide to Buying Clean Cannabis

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Teaching the vendors on how to improve their medicine is one component of successfully buying clean cannabis. There should be a separate vendor waiting area as well as more than one trained dedicated buyer, if possible, to help guide them through the steps of buying clean cannabis. When buying clean cannabis, one is most interested in how the flavors are expressed. Ultimately, individual preferences will also play a large role in determining which cannabis to purchase, but if the above guidelines are followed, a patient can be assured of buying clean cannabis that’s up to standard. The use of a 3x light and a 30x microscope will aid in determining whether cannabis flowers are clean.

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People who grow cannabis for the sick perform a truly sacred act. Anyone who goes through the time, the effort, and the risk of growing medicinal-grade cannabis should be celebrated and respected. Vendors should be treated with the utmost respect. There should be a separate vendor waiting area as well as more than one trained dedicated buyer, if possible, to help guide them through the steps of buying clean cannabis.

First, visually examine the cannabis. What color is it? Bright green usually indicates that the flowers are not cured. As cannabis cures, the greens darken and more orange, red, and yellow colors appear, blue and purple also.


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