The Cannabis World Mourns Dr. Lester Grinspoon

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The cannabis community is mourning the loss of one of its greatest heroes, Harvard Medical School professor and longtime NORML board member Dr. Lester Grinspoon. Grinspoon leaves shoes that will never be filled as he consistently supported cannabis reform efforts for decades right up until his passing this week at age 92. Nobody will again have the opportunity to do what Grinspoon did for cannabis because he helped move the chains this far. The nation’s oldest cannabis reform organization, NORML, called Grinspoon’s 1971 book Marijuana Reconsidered the single most comprehensive and thoughtful and convincing explanation of the crucial need to end marijuana prohibition and establish a legal marijuana market. – Read the entire article at LA Weekly.

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The cannabis community is mourning the loss of one of its greatest heroes, Harvard Medical School professor and longtime NORML board member Dr. Lester Grinspoon.

Grinspoon leaves shoes that will never be filled as he consistently supported cannabis reform efforts for decades right up until his passing this week at age 92. Nobody will again have the opportunity to do what Grinspoon did for cannabis because he helped move the chains this far.

The nation’s oldest cannabis reform organization, NORML, called Grinspoon’s 1971 book Marijuana Reconsidered the single most comprehensive and thoughtful and convincing explanation of the crucial need...

Read the full article @ Cannabis Culture