The High Priestess: Talking Cannabis, Connection, And Magick With Chelsea Wolfe

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Put on some Chelsea Wolfe, grab some cannabis, and create something for the sake of it. Chelsea reflects something that’s been a big part of my own journey with cannabis over the last year. One of the things I’ve noticed is that when important people come into my life, I don’t often remember meeting them for the first time. This is exactly how I feel about musician and artist Chelsea Wolfe. And often, cannabis can help make this a magical experience.  “Cannabis helps me to lean into things, whether I’m writing music, or focusing on self-healing.

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One of the things I’ve noticed is that when important people come into my life, I don’t often remember meeting them for the first time. The people who have become staples in my world are often shrouded by a cloud of je ne sais que. Whatever threshold we crossed together was as foggy as a hot boxed car; how can I remember when we first connected if I feel like you’ve always been here? This happens to artists I love as well; the threshold from unfamiliar to favorite can become blurred; I only remember always loving this artist, as if there wasn’t a time in my life when I didn’t know them. Of course, I’m sure my stoner memory has something to do with...

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