The House Appears Ready to Legalize Marijuana Once Again

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Cannabis experts everywhere are watching the House of Representatives this week, as they might pass legislation that would legalize cannabis on a federal level. Were the MORE Act to pass, cannabis would be officially declassified as a Schedule I Drug and removed from the list of federally controlled substances. The bill would also aim to promote social equity in the industry, seeing through many of the overdue plans for justice to the finish line.   If the MORE Act passes this year, the cannabis industry may experience dramatic growth that will make the past decade seem like a minor step forward. Legal cannabis programs across the country have worked social equity into their legislation, but very few have carried through in an effective way.

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Cannabis experts everywhere are watching the House of Representatives this week, as they might pass legislation that would legalize cannabis on a federal level. Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time the industry has gotten its hopes up for federal legalization. However, the idea becomes closer and closer to reality every year, and at this point, it’s really just a matter of when.

The legislation in question is the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act, which has support from much of the Democratic party—most notably, New York’s Senate Majority...

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