The Research About Fibromyalgia And Cannabis

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But what is the research about fibromyalgia and cannabis? A few other common fibromyalgia symptoms include headaches and migraines, depression and anxiety, memory and concentration issues, and overall body stiffness. Although current evidence is limited, medical cannabis appears to be a safe alternative for treatment. RELATED: Acute And Chronic Pain Affects Millions — How Can Cannabis Help? Even though pharmaceutical drugs and OTC pain-relievers are typically used to help manage fibromyalgia, cannabinoids like CBD and THC are being considered more now than ever before.

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Even though pharmaceutical drugs and OTC pain-relievers are typically used to help manage fibromyalgia, cannabinoids like CBD and THC are being considered more now than ever before.

If you had to guess, how many people in the United States do you think live with fibromyalgia? According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), roughly four million American adults (2% of the country’s population) struggle with this chronic medical condition. But what is the research about fibromyalgia...

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