This Grandma Went From Christian Minister To CBD Evangelist

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Christian Cannabis? It quickly became clear to her that the CBD industry was pretty much of a “hit or miss” industry. “Some products worked and others didn’t. Joy Smith first tried CBD by recommendation of her son, during a time where she has having issues related to sleep and chronic pain. Knowing about Joy Smith’s past as a Christian minister, one might wonder: what do religions say about cannabis? I have the distinct honor of seeing lives transformed and people truly stepping into their potential because of what CBD has done for them.

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Joy Smith first tried CBD by recommendation of her son, during a time where she has having issues related to sleep and chronic pain.

The cannabis world is full of unlikely conversion stories, like that of former Speaker of the House John Boehner, who went from being overtly anti-cannabis to being a voice for the legal marijuana industry and an advisor to one of the largest weed companies in the U.S. today, or that of former Mexican President Vicente Fox, who opposed legalization during his presidency but now sits on the boards of a...

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