Three Cannabis-Related Companies Subpoenaed in Vaping Investigation

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The subpoenas ordered all of the companies to cooperate with the vaping investigation being conducted by U.S. Food and Drug officials. Investigators with the Centers for Disease Control and public health officials in multiple states are also involved with investigations. The investigation issued subpoenas to three companies that manufacture thickening agents containing Vitamin E acetate, also known as tocopheryl acetate. On September 4, Michigan became the first state to ban flavored e-liquids and vape products, which many feel attract underage users. The American Vaping Association (AVA), which is a trade organization for the nicotine e-cigarette and vape industry, has aggressively pointed to illegal cannabis vape products as the cause of the increasing, potentially fatal respiratory cases.

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ALBANY, N.Y. – Media reports said New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Monday issued a statement with more information on the mysterious vaping-related respiratory condition that has swept 33 states including New York and affected more than 450 patients.

“The rise in vaping-associated illnesses is a frightening public health phenomenon, and I am directing the [N.Y.] Department of Health to take several actions to address this crisis, including starting an investigation into some of these companies that produce vaping substances to find out what’s in it, and requiring that smoke and vape shops post a warning that lets people know...

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