Unlocking Potency: The Essential Guide to Cannabis Decarboxylation

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Let’s demystify the mystery behind cannabis decarboxylation in our comprehensive guide. Before decarboxylation, cannabis doesn’t pose much of a threat to children or pets if accidentally consumed. However, the same cannot be said once it is; please store decarb cannabis away from kids and pets. To avoid this, many are moving to edibles that use a slow decarb process or vaporizer rigs with temperature controls. This is the same reason we slowly cook cannabis flowers when making edibles and why we introduce heat to flowers.Let’s look at THCa to better understand.

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Thanks to a group of carboxylic acids that form on the various cannabinoids cannabis creates, to unlock the full potential of its psychoactive and therapeutic compounds, we need to introduce high temperatures to separate the cannabinoids away from these therapeutic-hindering acids. Let’s demystify the mystery behind cannabis decarboxylation in our comprehensive guide. 

Understanding Decarboxylation

Simply put, when you want to get high from marijuana flower or want to feel the anti-anxiety and various other effects from CBD products, you have to remove...

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