What is CBG: A Guide About The Mother of All Cannabinoids

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Called the mother of all cannabinoids, most cannabinoids start their life off as CBG before converting into another.The Origins of CBG (Cannabigerol)     Forming early in the cannabis plant’s growth cycle, CBG is the precursor to nearly every cannabinoid researchers have identified so far. If CBD products are legal in your area, then it’s likely CBG is too.How is CBG different from CBD and THC?Unlike THC, but like CBD, CBG is non-intoxicating and won’t cause a high. Primarily, CBG is converted into THC and CBD during the plant’s life cycle, leaving only about 1% CBG on average. It seems that CBG may live up to its motherly nature in more ways than one.CBG vs CBD: Understanding the DifferencesSimilar to CBD, CBG can increase levels of anandamide in the body. This is likely why most people prefer full spectrum cannabis products that include all the cannabinoids and terpenes cannabis plants produce.The Current State of Research About CBGDespite being called the mother of all cannabinoids, since its molecular structure provides the foundation for other cannabinoids, research on CBG is limited.

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With the craze over THC and CBD dying down now that more people are aware of what they are, many are starting to wonder what CBG is (cannabigerol)and the other cannabinoids are like? Called the mother of all cannabinoids, most cannabinoids start their life off as CBG before converting into another.

The Origins of CBG (Cannabigerol)     

Forming early in the cannabis plant’s growth cycle, CBG is the precursor to nearly every cannabinoid researchers have identified so far. Primarily, CBG is converted into THC and CBD...

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