What New Federal Investments In THC Breathalyzers Mean For The Future Of Testing

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Even with elaborate and accurate equipment, there are likely to be many legal battles fought over how legitimate the equipment is. Using precise agreed upon alcohol levels using accurate testing tools have made it straightforward for citizens to follow the law and simple for police to enforce it. As marijuana becomes legal and regulated in many states, law enforcement is often struggling to keep up with the times. There is definitely a learning curve when something that was illegal suddenly becomes legal, and this is particularly true with marijuana. If the University of Sydney study is any indication, testing for marijuana intoxication is likely to be a long and difficult journey to prove definitive.

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Even with elaborate and accurate equipment, there are likely to be many legal battles fought over how legitimate the equipment is.

As marijuana becomes legal and regulated in many states, law enforcement is often struggling to keep up with the times. There is definitely a learning curve when something that was illegal suddenly becomes legal, and this is particularly true with marijuana. In fact, determining whether someone is under the influence of cannabis remains a difficult thing to prove in a court of law.

When comparing roadside alcohol testing to marijuana testing, a 2019...

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