What Will Cannabis Trade Shows Look Like in the Future?

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The most noticeable change in cannabis trade shows so far: virtual events. When pandemic-induced lockdowns hit, trade shows were among the first casualties. Networking is the second-most-important reason attendees give for attending trade shows (after product prospecting), yet only about half of attendees were satisfied with the networking opportunities offered. Despite the rapid uptake, virtual shows faced significant challenges. Virtual events work well for conferences, especially if attendees receive continuing education credits for participation, but “hybrid just doesn’t work.

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The shows they are a-changin’. In size, scope, and venue, conferences, expos, and conventions will take on a new complexion going forward, starting this year.

The most noticeable change in cannabis trade shows so far: virtual events. When pandemic-induced lockdowns hit, trade shows were among the first casualties. Faced with a sudden loss of cash flow, 81 percent of event producers were quick to pivot to the cloud, where physical interaction isn’t required. From simple Zoom seminars, keynote addresses, and workshops to elaborate affairs...

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