When to Harvest Marijuana? Right Time for Maximum Potency and Quality

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After spending several months growing and perfecting your cannabis plants to maximize their potency, flavor, and overall quality, comes the time to harvest them. Visual Indicators for Harvest ReadinessThree main visual indicators stipulate when your plants are ready to harvest. Thankfully, there are various tools and visual markers that indicate when it’s time to harvest your cannabis plants so they achieve your desired results. Especially since experienced cultivators like to harvest at different times for different highs. So start by aiming to harvest when there are the maximum amount of cloudy trichomes, but then go off and have fun and experiment.

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After spending several months growing and perfecting your cannabis plants to maximize their potency, flavor, and overall quality, comes the time to harvest them. But when is it the right time to harvest? Harvest too soon, and the high can be incredibly uneven. Harvest too late, and you may find yourself nodding off after partaking. There is a lot of science behind determining when it’s the perfect time to harvest, but I’m here to break it down for you. 

Understanding the Harvesting Window

While the differences between indica and sativa plants aren’t as notable as we once thought in regards to the heigh and effects, the...

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