Why You Should Be Using Cannabis, Not Ice, For Injuries

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Common Sports Injuries There are many different types of sports injuries where ice is usually used as first aid. Using ice or a cold compress is one of the most common first-aid treatments we know for an injury or sprain. This involves an ice pack or ice compress placed on the affected area, designed to reduce inflammation and numb out any pain while reducing swelling. For muscle and tissue-related injuries, using topicals is a fast-acting and effective way to enjoy localized relief. Photo by peterschreiber.media/Getty Images However, using cannabidiol (CBD), the non-psychoactive component of marijuana, may be more effective (and practical) for treating sprains and injuries.

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Whether you are an athlete or not, recovery and healing as soon as possible is critical. Here’s how cannabis can help.

This article originally appeared on Cannabis.net and has been reposted with permission.

Using ice or a cold compress is one of the most common first-aid treatments we know for an injury or sprain. It’s usually best used right after the injury happens.

This involves an ice pack...

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