New Missouri Medical Marijuana Law Takes Effect Thursday

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The two take a huge step forward Wednesday when the state’s new medical marijuana law goes into effect. The law takes effect Wednesday, kicking off a list of deadlines. – Read the entire article at KCTV5 News. If you have cancer, HIV, epilepsy or many other disorders, you’ll be able to legally access the drug. But that doesn’t mean you’ll be getting legal marijuana Wednesday. Marijuana and Missouri.

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Marijuana and Missouri. The two take a huge step forward Wednesday when the state’s new medical marijuana law goes into effect.

Here’s the deal.

If you have cancer, HIV, epilepsy or many other disorders, you’ll be able to legally access the drug.

But that doesn’t mean you’ll be getting legal marijuana Wednesday.

The law takes effect Wednesday, kicking off a list of deadlines.

– Read the entire article at KCTV5 News.

Read the full article @ Cannabis Culture