CBD Revelation: How Much is TOO MUCH? New Study Reveals Safe Limits

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In an effort to establish regulatory standards for CBD products, a coalition of CBD companies called ONE HEMP has presented a study to U.S. officials. As Congress and the FDA consider establishing regulatory standards for CBD products, they must consider scientific evidence regarding the safe limits of CBD consumption presented by ONE HEMP and other reputable sources. The company urges Congress to clarify the FDA’s mandate concerning CBD products and to implement more stringent regulatory standards. Accurate product labeling ensures that consumers have the necessary information to make informed decisions when purchasing and using CBD products. Without FDA regulation, states have introduced their own guidelines and requirements concerning CBD product manufacturing, testing, labeling, and distribution.

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In an effort to establish regulatory standards for CBD products, a coalition of CBD companies called ONE HEMP has presented a study to U.S. officials. The study demonstrates that consuming up to 70 milligrams of CBD per day is safe for healthy adults. 

Additionally, the research suggests that those who are not trying to conceive, pregnant, or lactating can safely consume up to 160 milligrams of CBD daily. By engaging Congress and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the coalition aims to improve consumer...

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