Dementia and Marijuana

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RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life A bit of caution about heavy marijuana habits. Photo by monicore via Pixabay So far, medical marijuana is not a breakthrough for dementia. Medical marijuana can help many aliments – but does work with dementia? A few clinical trials have identified that medical marijuana can help manage behavioural symptoms in people with dementia, including agitation and aggression, but only in some cases. However, there is currently no research that studies this possible link between marijuana and dementia in humans.

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Medical marijuana can help many aliments – but does work with dementia?

Nothing is more heartbreaking than watching someone we love suffer from dementia.  While the face is the same, the mind and essence behind it slowly fades away. More than 8 million people had dementia in 2020. If current demographic and health trends continue, more than 10 million Canadians and Americans could have dementia by 2030 and nearly 12 million by 2040.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are different....

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