Does Marijuana Increase Desire?

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Studies on the effects of cannabis on sexual desire How exactly does marijuana affect sexual desire in people? Marijuana is a natural aphrodisiac An aphrodisiac is something that promotes sexual desire or improves the sexual experiences of the users. After all, for the drug to be considered a true aphrodisiac, it has to increase desire. Tying those euphoric feelings to sexual desire is not all that difficult. Another dimension of this question to examine is the impact on sexual desire.

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Everything from the strain that’s smoked to the amount that a person smokes can change the level of sexual desire or willingness to have sex that someone feels.

Marijuana is used for many purposes; it’s a well-known fact these days. From trying to feel good mentally and physically to pain relief, its uses are numerous. But, does it have an effect on desire? Dating website tenderfling collected information on the effects of cannabis on sexual arousal. The results might be surprising to you!

Marijuana is a natural aphrodisiac

An aphrodisiac is something that promotes sexual...

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