Global Cannabis Market Overview and Future Outlook in The Global Cannabis Report

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The latest edition of The Global Cannabis Report offers a comprehensive overview of the worldwide legal cannabis market, its development, and the challenges different regions face. Remarkably, import authorizations for medical cannabis soared by 72.8% from September 2022 to September 2023.Africa: An Emerging Exporter Paving the Way ForwardCurrently, Africa’s commercial activity primarily focuses on hemp and medical cannabis production, targeting mainly export markets. In light of these developments, the global cannabis industry appears to be moving towards greater sophistication, organization, and internationalization – highlighting untapped opportunities for investors and stakeholders alike. Nevertheless, Canada’s medical cannabis exports continue to expand, reaching C$160 million for the fiscal year ending March 2023. The country has experienced a substantial increase in medical cannabis consumption in recent years.

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The latest edition of The Global Cannabis Report offers a comprehensive overview of the worldwide legal cannabis market, its development, and the challenges different regions face. This publication, produced by Prohibition Partners, sheds light on the current state of affairs in North America, Oceania, LATAM, Europe, and Africa. This article aims to provide insight into potential opportunities and future directions for stakeholders by analyzing industries’ trends, growth trajectories, and regulatory prospects.

North American Landscape: A Market with Resilience...

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