
Marijuana And Gut Health
Gut health is in the news as it seems to be key to healthy living….but what about marijuana and gut health. It is currently buzzing in the wellness community, but gut health isn’t just a trending topic but an important...
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Study Finds Key Surprise About Medical Marijuana Patients
Have a long term illness is tough, but data has shown a way to make it less worse Having to deal with a medical issue for a longer time can be depressing and debilitating.  over 40 million in the US and Canada are limited...
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Marijuana And Fertility
There is an old joke a guy telling a women alcohol is bad for you if you want to have children and the woman snaps back and says if it wasn’t for alcohol there would be half the number of babies.  Science says you...
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Medical Marijuana Reduces Opioid Use
Good news – opioid use is down when medical marijuana is an option.  It benefits the mind, body and patient. Opioids and fentanyl driving a crisis in recent years, with the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbating the public’s...
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Medical Marijuana May Help With Brain Cancer
Brain cancer has been in the news – it is a devastating diagnosis, but there is hope cannabis could help. Michael Strahan has gone public with one of his daughters has brain cancer. Since then, she is having a slow recovery...
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Medical Marijuana Might Help Cancer Pain
Cannabis research powerhouse Israel produces more cancer and medical marijuana data   Cannabis can not cure cancer, but it can help in a variety of ways including pain, neuropathy, nausea, appetite and more.  But for day...
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Road Rash And Marijuana Are Not A Good Match
  Over 2 million Americans and Canadians are injured each year from popular summertime activities, according to hospital tracking data from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Everyone wants to head out and try...
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Do You Get High On Medical Marijuana?
With 40 states legalizing medical marijuana and the American Medical Association seeing value in the plant as an aid, more people are using it in their medical help tool box.  Medical marijuana has shown it can help with...
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Can CBD or THC Help With A Toothache?
A pain in the mouth can wreck a day, a night’s sleep and keep you from eating – can CBD or THC can help? A smile can make someone’s day but a toothache can ruin a night’s sleep. More than 40% of adults experience...
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An Easy Way To Use Cannabis & Medical Marijuana
Popular with the wellness and health crowd, using a sublingual is an easy to use cannabis and medical marijuana  Long gone are the days of smoking out of tin cans and vegetables (hopefully). Weed enthusiasts have constantly...
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Dementia and Marijuana
Medical marijuana can help many aliments – but does work with dementia? Nothing is more heartbreaking than watching someone we love suffer from dementia.  While the face is the same, the mind and essence behind it slowly...
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Is CBD Medicine?
Some people see CBD as a silver bullet for a variety of things – it helps – but is it medicine? Amazon has hundreds of CBD products and the CBD companies make claims that it can help on a wide variety of things – but...
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Is Marijuana Harmful?
Marijuana is recreationally legal in 23 states, medically in 40. Roughly 88% of Americans believe it should be fully legal in some form.  Respected universities like the University of Alabama, Cornell, the University of...
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How Does Marijuana Affect The Brain
Have you ever wondered what is going on in your head when you use marijuana? What it does to your brain?  When it is right, being a bit strong makes music, food and other sensual pleasures enhanced and just awesome. Why...
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ATF Says Yes To Guns Unless, You Know, Cannabis
There has been a ton of buzz in lately about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) stand on marijuana.  With 24 states now saying it is cannabis is fully legal and 40 having medical marijuana, the...
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Does Marijuana Lower Male Testosterone
As the US has a conversation about masculinity, there is a notion that marijuana lowers male testosterone. The imagine of the couch sitting stoner being lazy is ingrained in our mind.  For those who remember the 70s Show,...
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Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life
All we want is to live happy, productive, healthy lives right?  Who would have guessed cannabis could play a key role. According to observational data published in the JAMA Network Open, patients suffering from pain, cancer,...
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How CBD And THC Are Changing COVID-19 Treatment
The scientific community seems to be more widely accepting cannabis to treat newer diseases, leading to better education and understanding for all. With coronavirus variants raging across the globe, could THC and CBD offer...
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Marijuana And Heart Attacks: What New Research Reveals
The public needs high-quality information about cannabis, which can help counterbalance the proliferation of rumor and false claims about the health effects of cannabis products. While some studies have linked the chemicals...
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Doctors & CBD: 5 Things Your Patients Want To Know
From some of the recent reports about CBD oil and its interactions, to the way it’s administered, here are some thoughtful takeaways for your patients. The past treatments of severe pain have been over the counter pain...
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Can Medical Marijuana Help Treat Clinical Burnout?
The intensity of the global response to the conditions of COVID-19 has prompted a need to address the high levels of burnout experienced by medical professionals.  Beyond the 2.3 million cases of COVID-19 in the US (as of...
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FDA Publishes New Updates For Healthcare Professionals
As of mid-June, there were more than 2.32 million COVID-19 cases and over 122,500 deaths in the U.S.. The need for updated information to fight the pandemic continues to rise daily.  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration...
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