Medical Marijuana Might Help Cancer Pain

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Now studies are starting to take a deeper look into our medical marijuana can help with cancer pain. Medical marijuana can help those suffering from cancer-associated pain, as per a Technion study published Friday in the journal Frontiers in Pain Research. Cannabis research powerhouse Israel produces more cancer and medical marijuana data   Cannabis can not cure cancer, but it can help in a variety of ways including pain, neuropathy, nausea, appetite and more. Medical marijuana may be helpful for the management of cancer-related pain when conventional therapies are ineffective or are causing adverse effects. Over half of patients  in cancer treatment and two thirds of those with advanced or terminal disease experience pain.

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Cannabis research powerhouse Israel produces more cancer and medical marijuana data


Cannabis can not cure cancer, but it can help in a variety of ways including pain, neuropathy, nausea, appetite and more.  But for day to day life, pain and appetite have an oversized influence. Over half of patients  in cancer treatment and two thirds of those with advanced or terminal disease experience pain. Now studies are starting to take a deeper look into our medical marijuana can help with cancer pain.

Medical marijuana may be helpful for the management of cancer-related pain when conventional therapies are ineffective or are causing...

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