Hemp Cultivation in the U.S.: Navigating Inconsistent Regulations

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The 2018 farm bill’s legalization of hemp in the United States has seen a rise in hemp farming across various states. Organizations like the U.S. Congressional Research Service are addressing hemp industry concerns and preparing for future legislative discussions. Achieving legal clarity and consistency will enable hemp farmers to fully explore the plant’s diverse potential. These would provide clear, uniform guidelines and definitions, aiding growers in navigating the complexities of hemp and cannabis cultivation.An Example To Follow And The Road AheadMichigan stands as a model of success in the hemp growth industry. However, these inconsistent regulations slow the sector’s progress, frustrating many farmers.How Has It Impacted The Industry?The industry’s response to these challenges has been proactive.

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The 2018 farm bill’s legalization of hemp in the United States has seen a rise in hemp farming across various states. Despite this, farmers are encountering challenges as the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) revokes licenses for cultivating high-THC cannabis, even in states where it’s legal.

Farmers who took up hemp farming after its nationwide legalization are facing license cancellations, reflecting a gap in legal and regulatory guidance. This issue has led to a state-by-state disparity in rule enforcement. Reports indicate that farmers unable to maintain both cannabis and hemp licenses are primarily from states lacking their...

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