
What Is Ice Water Extraction And Some DIY Tips
Not for the casual user, ice water extraction is when you really need some down, chill time. Like wine, whiskey, tequila and a few other things, there are casual users and serious, serious users.  A concentrate is for the...
Fresh Toast
The Effects Of Smoking Low-THC, High-CBD Cannabis
  For decades, growers have been focused on producing cannabis strains with the highest THC content possible to have a maximum high. High-THC means you’re getting baked, whether sativa, indica or a mix of the two. Now,...
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Best Tips To Roll Your Own Joint
New year, new skills! Canoeing is a term used to describe the uneven burning of a joint. If you want to be old school – here are tips to roll a blunt More and more people are starting are being more open about their marijuana...
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The Worst Marijuana Strains Of All-Time
There are some winners, and occasionally some losers….and sometimes we get a Reggie The way cannabis is legals allows for a rich variety of strains and products.  Consumers latch onto something great and it takes off in...
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How To Microdose Marijuana
There is a school of thought lower doses of THC paired with a full spectrum cannabinoid profile may be a beneficial therapeutic solution Microdosing is a new trend covered by everyone from The NY Times to Rolling Stone....
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How To Add Weed To Your Friendsgiving Celebration
However you do it, have a great time with your friends and remember it is all about being together with those you chose this Thanksgiving It has been all the rage since the early 2000s and a chance to spend tend to...
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What Is Moon Rock Marijuana And How Do I Make It
If you think you are ready to lift off – Moon Rock marijuana may be the thing for you Out of all the different cannabis-based products that have hit center stage in the past few years, moon rock (or more specifically, moon...
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Some GOP Show Love To Marijuana
Long the mortal enemy of legal marijuana – now some members of the GOP are champions. Traditionally, the GOP has been the nemesis of expanded marijuana legalization. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has been proud of preventing...
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Expert Marijuana Hacks You Need
Everyone can use hints and tips on doing things better.  Here is yours for today There was a fortune made in the “For Dummies” books. Wine, Gardening, Hiking, etc.  People love to learn about what they enjoy and,...
Fresh Toast
9 Ways Cannabis Enhances Your Day
Nothing like a fresh start to your day, week and year.  For many, marijuana is increasing part of the making it a great day.  Here are some reasons why Science has proven cannabis has benefits and more research is being...
Fresh Toast
Tips To Help You Roll A Perfect Joint
Nothing says classic cannabis use like smoking a joint – here is how to roll like a pro. For the canna-newbie, learning to create a blunt seems easy, but sometimes it is a bit more of a challenge to get it just right.  As...
Fresh Toast
How To Keep The Munchies From Ruining Your Diet
All you need is to lose the holiday 2 pounds and maybe a wee bit more – but are afraid your marijuana use will work against you.  Don’t worry – we have a plan for you! The average holiday weight gain can be up to 2...
Fresh Toast
Focus On This If You Want The Best Marijuana
Like wine, it can be tough figuring out the best marijuana to purchase – here is a key thing to know When it comes to things we consume, if we haven’t tried it before it can be complicated. “Having tried a wine before...
Fresh Toast
5 Key Things To Know About Cannabis Concentrates
When you are young, you can experiment, but as you age – you want to minimize after effects…we got you when it comes to the next step with marijuana High school and college were the days of experimenting. Lessons leads...
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The Ultimate Guide To Marijuana Tasting
Wine tasting has become a huge sub industry with wineries offering tastings from Virginia to Washington state.  But do you know you can do marijuana tasting? Visits to wineries are slightly down from 2019, but are still...
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How To Avoid Marijuana Paranoia
A bit of a scare at this time of year is fun, but you don’t want it extended.  Marijuana paranoia can hit – but here is what to do. We are living in a wacky time with social media, politics, and everything else. For...
Fresh Toast
How To Use Every Drop From THC Vapes
Vaping is the most popular way to consume marijuana among the Gen Z and Millennials. Here is how to get the most for your spend Call it being frugal or being on a budget in anticipation of the next great travel vacation,...
Fresh Toast
The Answers To Your Questions About Marijuana
Dry January or California Sober on your agenda?  New to cannabis, we have some information for you From 15-19% of the population does Dry January.  After the excess of the holidays with food, drink, celebrations and family….your...
Fresh Toast
A Guide To Your First Marijuana Dab
Not for the newbie, dabbing is for the experience user. Like tequila – there are beginners and experience drinkers….each having their own journey.  In the cannabis world you have people who microdose gummies and those...
Fresh Toast
How Can Kief Be Used Medically
Cannabis is known to have medical benefits…but does all form work? What about kief? Medical marijuana has helped PTSD, inflammation, anxiety and more.  While more medical research needs to be done, it has properties to...
Fresh Toast
Does Increasing Heat On A Vape Make You Higher
Since they have temperature adjustment on vape, what does it do? Does it get you higher? As vaping as become widely popular, it has a new audience which may not know all the nuances in the art of the vape.  While gummies...
Fresh Toast
Tips For Holiday Travel With Weed
The holiday season is on us and airports, highways and train stations will be packed. Here are some tips for holiday travel with weed It has been reported 55.4 Million Americans are expected to travel this Thanksgiving holiday. This...
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Best Marijuana Hacks For Winter
Snow is hitting parts of the country and the chill is driving people indoors…how do I consume so I manage the winter months Snowstorms are raging in parts and the country and the holidays are nest month.  We now have darkness...
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Best Tricks To Control Marijuana Induced Sleepiness
Dosing is a bit of an art, and having a little too much (like alcohol) can make you doozy Stress, fun, pain, people consume marijuana for a variety of reasons.  It has long been known as a sleep aid, guiding you gently into...
Fresh Toast
Best Hacks For The Home Marijuana Chef
People are cooking at home more than ever and experimenting. So here are some cannabis tips for when you are in the kitchen Cooking at home is up with 60% of us cooking at home more than five days a week.  While embracing...
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Is Cannabis A Study Aid
End of semester exams are coming and the stress is rising.  Can marijuana help? Well… Cannabis is the average co-ed’s drug of choice. While a lot of people encounter cannabis when they’re younger, it’s not until...
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Best Ways To Introduce Someone To Marijuana
People become interested in cannabis for a variety of reasons – medical, anxiety, sleep, California sober or just for fun.  Here is how you can help. If you have a marijuana consumer, you feel pretty good about cannabis....
Fresh Toast
The Best Cannabis Strains For Wednesday
Halfway through the week and it seems the Friday night is about 5 days away.  Here is a guide to potential help. Wednesdays are neither here nor there. It feels like being stuck in limbo, the furtherest away from the glorious...
Fresh Toast
Hacks To Make The Most Of Your Marijuana Experience
Fall is in the air, but you want might want a better, different, chill….we got you Some people use falls a chance to relax, chill and reflect on the world.  For causal or new cannabis users, it can be a fun time to consume...
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Ways To Avoid Unhealthy Marijuana Habits
Whether cannabis newbies or seasoned users, we can all develop healthier habits when it comes to consuming the herb. Most of the time, bad habits are simply a way of dealing with stress and boredom. Everything from biting...
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How To Cope With A Bad Marijuana High
Bad highs, although scary, are manageable if you stay calm. Here are some tips that can help you cope with an unwelcome high. Bad highs can be awful. Flashbacks of previous experiences can even make people afraid of trying...
Fresh Toast
5 Hacks To Prolong A Marijuana High
Whether you are a season consumer or a canna-newbie – sometimes you just want the good times to last Marijuana is coming into its own.  Over 50% of the country has access to weed and Gen Z is wandering away from alcohol...
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