Indica vs Sativa: Educating Customers and Improving Experiences

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Cannabis Indica Definition The indica species of cannabis is thought to originate in Afghanistan or India. They also differ in cannabinoid content; the sativa species has higher CBD content and the indica species has higher THC content. Illustration: KyivnataliS / Shutterstock Cannabis Sativa Definition In the 18th Century, society began to distinguish between indica and sativa strains of cannabis in order to differentiate the sativa cannabis plants harvested in Eurasia for fiber from the indica plants harvested for hashish. The biggest differences between cannabis sativa and cannabis indica plants are their physical appearance and their cannabinoid content. In cannabis culture, people expect to experience an energizing, uplifting high from a “sativa” strain of cannabis and a more sedating, body high from an “indica” strain.

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In dispensaries all across the United States, cannabis products labeled “sativa” and “indica” line the shelves. Whether they’re factual or not, the market uses these labels frequently as a signal to consumers. In cannabis culture, people expect to experience an energizing, uplifting high from a “sativa” strain of cannabis and a more sedating, body high from an “indica” strain. 

Through a botanist’s lens, sativa and indica refer to two visibly distinct species of cannabis. They also differ in cannabinoid content; the sativa species has higher CBD content and the indica species has higher THC content. Today, almost every cannabis...

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