Is It Safe To Smoke Weed Daily

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The Fresh Toast – Is it safe to smoke weed daily? Does Daily Use Cause Physical Changes To The Brain Research is mixed on this question, except for those with still developing brain. In addition, cannabis does increase symptoms of bronchitis like coughing and wheezing. Marijuana smoke contains cannabinoid compounds in addition to many of the same components as tobacco smoke. Using marijuana heavily (daily or near-daily) can damage your memory, attention, and learning ability.

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If you wondering if you are doing anything to much, it might be time to pause and think

While there is a phrase too much of a good thing, most people don’t overdo. But if you are wondering if you are overusing anything, candy, alcohol or marijuana, it is smart to pause and asses how often, how much, and why.  Using marijuana heavily (daily or near-daily) can damage your memory, attention, and learning ability. It can last a week or more after the last time marijuana was used. Some mircodose low amounts to manage stress and anxiety, the trick is the potency.

The Fresh Toast – Is it safe to smoke weed daily? It depends – why do you ask,...

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