Jaden Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith talk psychedelics, Will Smith reveals he took ayahuasca 14 times

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Jaden Smith sat down with his mom, Jada Pinkett Smith, to talk psychedelics on the latest episode of Red Table Talk. Smith travelled to Peru for 14 ayahuasca rituals, the first of which led to the “unparalleled greatest feeling I’ve ever had,” he writes in Will. Also joined by his grandmother, Adrienne Banfield-Norris, Smith, 23, revealed that he was initially interested in magic mushrooms out of “pure curiosity,” but he has since developed a deeper appreciation for psychedelics, reports Yahoo! Subscribe to  Weekend Dispensary, a new weekly newsletter from The GrowthOp. News.

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Jaden Smith sat down with his mom, Jada Pinkett Smith, to talk psychedelics on the latest episode of Red Table Talk.

Also joined by his grandmother, Adrienne Banfield-Norris, Smith, 23, revealed that he was initially interested in magic mushrooms out of “pure curiosity,” but he has since developed a deeper appreciation for psychedelics, reports Yahoo!...

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