Latin America

Is Weed Legal In Bermuda?
Bermuda’s cannabis laws are evolving amidst global changes in marijuana legislation. This article examines Bermuda’s current stance on cannabis, highlighting its unique position in the international landscape of cannabis...
Marijuana Index
Is Weed Legal In Guatemala?
Guatemala stands out with its stringent stance against legalization. This article explores the intricate legal framework surrounding cannabis in Guatemala, a country where the global trend towards leniency contrasts sharply...
Marijuana Index
Is Weed Legal In El Salvador?
Amidst the global shift towards relaxing cannabis laws, El Salvador presents a contrasting picture with its stringent prohibition of both recreational and medical marijuana. This Central American country’s approach to cannabis...
Marijuana Index
Is Weed Legal In Brazil?
In the ever-shifting landscape of global cannabis legislation, Brazil presents a unique case. The country’s approach to cannabis, influenced by cultural, legal, and health perspectives, mirrors the broader global debate...
Marijuana Index
Is Weed Legal In St. Lucia?
Cannabis laws globally are evolving, and St. Lucia is no exception. This Caribbean nation has recently made significant changes to its cannabis regulations, reflecting a shift in perspective towards this once strictly controlled...
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Is Weed Legal In Belize?
As countries worldwide reassess their cannabis laws, Belize emerges as a noteworthy case. The Central American nation’s approach to cannabis regulation reflects the global shift in attitudes towards marijuana. This article...
Marijuana Index
Is Weed Legal In Colombia?
Colombia presents a unique case. The country has partially legalized cannabis, distinguishing between its medical, industrial, and recreational uses. This article will explore Colombia’s current cannabis laws, highlighting...
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Is Weed Legal In Guam?
Guam is a U.S. territory that has embraced a progressive stance on cannabis, legalizing it for both medical and recreational use. This development in Guam is part of a larger global trend, reflecting changing attitudes and...
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Is Weed Legal In Chile?
Chile’s stance on cannabis, amidst the global shift in marijuana legislation, is both progressive and cautious. While the country has not legalized recreational cannabis, it has been a forerunner in Latin American drug...
Marijuana Index
Is Weed Legal In Costa Rica?
Globally, cannabis laws are evolving, sparking interest in countries like Costa Rica. While the nation grapples with its stance on cannabis, understanding its current legal framework is crucial. Costa Rica’s approach to...
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