Looking to open a pot shop? This tech platform can PiinPoint the best spots

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A new tech platform based in Kitchener, ON, can help aspiring cannabis retail owners find the perfect location to set up shop. PiinPoint has created a location-intelligence platform to provide companies and individuals with plans to apply for an Ontario retail license with location data to help establish the ideal area.   Subscribe to the Cannabis Post newsletter for weekly insights into the industry, what insiders will be talking about and content from across the Postmedia Network. The company has been working for more than five years, wherein Steiner says PiinPoint staff learned the challenges of finding viable locations to rent in the sector. "I do" cannabis: How to throw a weed wedding in style Why this cannabis CEO left her job after just nine weeks Ho Ho... oh no!

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A new tech platform based in Kitchener, ON, can help aspiring cannabis retail owners find the perfect location to set up shop.

PiinPoint has created a location-intelligence platform to provide companies and individuals with plans to apply for an Ontario retail license with location data to help establish the ideal area. The platform doesn’t work exclusively with cannabis companies — it counts Tim Hortons, Second Cup, and H&R Block as clients — but it could be helpful in identifying the best locations for pot shops, which are notoriously hard to shortlist due to rules that heavily regulate where they can be located and what is required of the...

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