Man with stiff person syndrome shows improvement after using THC-CBD spray

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The drug is sometimes “used to relieve muscle spasms and to provide sedation before medical procedures. The rare autoimmune and neurological disorder “can make the muscles in the torso and limbs alternate between rigidity (which a 2012 case report notes is progressive) and (sometimes violent muscle) spasms,” Yale Medicine reports. Richard Nowak, an assistant neurology professor at the Yale School of Medicine, explained to NBC News. In fact, doctors at Hospital de la Ribera in Spain found success using a THC-CBD oromucosal spray on a patient whose SPS had progressed to the point where he needed a wheelchair and was unable to stand without support. Nowak. “This is just such a severe diagnosis to have, especially if you’re an entertainer [on] the world-class type of stage,” Dr.

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The world learned late last week that Celine Dion would postpone the restart of her world tour this February because of her recent diagnosis of a rare neurological condition known as stiff-person syndrome (SPS).

The 54-year-old dropped the bomb that she had SPS, also called Moersch-Woltman syndrome, which Johns Hopkins Medicine...

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