Marijuana And Fertility

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Long-term marijuana use can adversely affects male fertility and has been associated with testicular atrophy, low libido, sexual dysfunction, semen parameters, and reproductive hormone levels RELATED: He/She/They/Weed – Marijuana Affects Genders Differently There are few human studies on marijuana and fertility and they are small, nonrandomized and mainly retrospective. Science says you shouldn’t drink or use marijuana while pregnant, but what does it say about marijuana and fertility. RELATED: Does Marijuana Lower Male Testosterone When it comes to guys, consuming seems to a negative impact on male fertility. Fertility is a fickle thing. fertility is genetic, and there actually are some people who can be classified as super fertile. RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life Photo via Zach Manuel For women, frequent use can cause issues which could tamp down fertility.

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There is an old joke a guy telling a women alcohol is bad for you if you want to have children and the woman snaps back and says if it wasn’t for alcohol there would be half the number of babies.  Science says you shouldn’t drink or use marijuana while pregnant, but what does it say about marijuana and fertility. Fertility...

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