Marijuana Reduces Migraine Pain

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Data suggests marijuana may reduce migraine pain and be the best over the counter relief. RELATED: Consuming Medical Marijuana Is Proven To Help Migraine Sufferers Patients received no additional benefits when using cannabis strains with higher or lower THC and CBD concentrations. Published in The Journal of Pain, the first study to utilize big data in analyzing the role cannabis plays in managing pain from headaches and migraines. In the meantime, this at least gives medical cannabis patients and their doctors a little more information about what they might expect from using cannabis to manage these conditions.” But researchers found no such result in patients using cannabis.

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Almost 10% of the population suffers from migraines.  But maybe marijuana can help

They are incredibly disablitating, migraines occurs most often among people aged 20 – 50 years, and are 3 times more common with women.  Roughly 10% of the population...

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