More Than Half Of North Carolina Adults Support Legal Recreational Marijuana

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The survey found that 54% of adults in North Carolina supported the legalization of recreational marijuana, while about a third (34%) were opposed. Poll Also Finds Support For Medical Marijuana The legalization of medical marijuana and reducing the penalties for cannabis offenses were even more popular with North Carolina residents. The survey found even stronger support for reducing penalties for marijuana offenses and the legalization of cannabis for medicinal purposes. Only 29% of Democrats opposed legalizing recreational marijuana and 59% said that they supported the move. More than half of North Carolinians who responded to a recent survey said that they supported the legalization of recreational marijuana in their state, according to a poll conducted by Elon University.

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More than half of North Carolinians who responded to a recent survey said that they supported the legalization of recreational marijuana in their state, according to a poll conducted by Elon University. The survey found even stronger support for reducing penalties for marijuana offenses and the legalization of cannabis for medicinal purposes.

The survey found that 54% of adults in North Carolina supported the legalization of recreational marijuana,...

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