New Orleans Police Battle Rats Consuming Evidence Room Cannabis

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The New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) headquarters has been grappling with numerous cleanliness and maintenance concerns, such as plumbing issues, mold, and infestations. The situation has become so dire that at a recent New Orleans City Council hearing, Police Department Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick reported that rodents are now consuming drugs stored in the department’s evidence room. Otherwise, the compromised facilities may continue to plague the NOPD, diminishing employee morale and affecting overall output. As authorities step up to tackle the crisis, timely action must be taken to rectify the rampant maintenance and sanitation issues. With employees tasked with ensuring public safety and maintaining order, it is vital that they feel supported through comfortable and clean work environments.

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The New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) headquarters has been grappling with numerous cleanliness and maintenance concerns, such as plumbing issues, mold, and infestations.

The situation has become so dire that at a recent New Orleans City Council hearing, Police Department Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick reported that rodents are now consuming drugs stored in the department’s evidence room.

Although it is uncertain whether these rats face any psychoactive impact, the overall deteriorated state of the police headquarters has raised significant alarm among employees and local officials.

Rodents Feasting...

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