No Need To Get High To Benefit From THC

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Evidence suggests medications with THC can be effective treatments for chronic pain, particularly neuropathic pain (pain caused by nerve damage), nociceptive pain (pain caused by ongoing inflammation and related damage) and nociplastic pain (pain arising from the altered function of pain-related sensory pathways). THC, cannabis’ most popular cannabinoid. Over 7 million Canadian and U.S. adults have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, but the number of people experiencing anxiety likely is significantly higher. Research data show with all things being equal, THC appears to decrease anxiety at lower doses and CBD helps in all doses. Currently, focus has been on the “fun” side of THC, not the difference in can make in long term wellness.

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As science delves deeper into the cannabis plant more medical properties are revealed. Historical, the plant has been used for medicine in a variety of cultural, but through research has only started in the past generation.  Currently, focus has been on the “fun” side of THC, not the difference in can make in long term wellness.

THC, cannabis’ most popular cannabinoid. It is the reason we feel elevated, lifted, high, however you classify it, it’s what gets us in a different headspace. THC stimulates neurons in the reward system to release the signaling chemical dopamine at levels higher than typically observed in response to natural rewarding...

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