North Carolina Gov. Signs Bill Marking Legal Hemp Permanent

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Hemp is now permanently legal in North Carolina thanks to a bill signed into law by the state’s governor. The hemp bill fared better than a proposal to legalize medical cannabis in North Carolina. The same poll found that 57% of North Carolina voters believe recreational cannabis should be legal, too. Support for medical cannabis included 64% of North Carolina Republicans, 46% of whom said they are in favor of recreational pot being made legal. As written, the bill will permanently remove hemp from the state’s list of controlled substances, which brings North Carolina in line with federal law.

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Hemp is now permanently legal in North Carolina thanks to a bill signed into law by the state’s governor.

The legislation was one of three measures signed on Thursday by Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat. As written, the bill will permanently remove hemp from the state’s list of controlled substances, which brings North Carolina in line with federal law.

Cooper hailed the bill as a win for Tar Heel State farmers.

“Agriculture is North Carolina’s largest industry and giving North Carolina farmers certainty that they can continue...

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