Pharmacies in Georgia Begin Medical Cannabis Oil Sales

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This is simply the right thing to do.” The law directs control of cannabis license regulation, cultivation, production, manufacturing, and sales of low-THC oil to the Georgia Access to Medical Cannabis Commission. Earlier this month, Georgia officials reported that its medical cannabis patient number has been updated and is much less than previously thought. However, it wasn’t until July 2021 when the state revamped its original medical cannabis program and the commission approved six companies to sell cannabis. Jordan Day told CNN that her pharmacy will begin selling medical cannabis sometime this week. Ankit Patel was the first pharmacist to begin selling cannabis at his pharmacy, Robins Pharmacy. “It’s awesome.

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Friday, Oct. 27 was a historic day for cannabis in Georgia and throughout the country, as it was the first day that pharmacists were legally allowed to sell cannabis at the pharmacy counter.

Dr. Ankit Patel was the first pharmacist to begin selling cannabis at his pharmacy, Robins Pharmacy. “It’s awesome. It’s historic,” Patel told CNN. “I’ve been following the laws in Georgia about passing it, and I’ve been excited about this possibility for about four years now. When they finally said independent pharmacies will be able to...

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