Resilience and Opportunity in the European Cannabis Industry Amidst 2023 Challenges

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The year 2023 stood as a turbulent period for the European cannabis industry due to factors such as two ongoing wars, energy and cost of living crisis, and negative sentiment towards cannabis investments. This could be beneficial in the long run for the emerging European cannabis market.Regulatory progress sparks hope for a better outlook in 2024Despite the challenges faced by the European cannabis industry in 2023, there have also been positive regulatory changes in some of its largest markets. As the European cannabis landscape continues to transform, both companies and investors who remain attentive to opportunities amidst adversity will be best positioned for success in the long term. It speaks to the increasingly competitive landscape within the sector and reinforces the importance of adaptiveness for survival in these rapidly changing times.A promising future for the European cannabis industryWhile 2023 has presented numerous challenges for the emerging European cannabis sector, significant regulatory progress and entrepreneurial perseverance provide hope for a more positive outlook in the coming years. As a result, funding has been difficult for most companies, while stock prices have suffered a general decline throughout the year.

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The year 2023 stood as a turbulent period for the European cannabis industry due to factors such as two ongoing wars, energy and cost of living crisis, and negative sentiment towards cannabis investments. As a result, funding has been difficult for most companies, while stock prices have suffered a general decline throughout the year. However, some companies like Akanda and IM Cannabis have consolidated their share prices and increased their value during these testing times.

Furthermore, Europe’s remaining cannabis-focused ETFs either merged with other funds or disbanded due to lacking viability. This situation presents attractive...

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