Smoking weed once was enough for Babs

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The memory is somewhat different than what Streisand told Rolling Stone back in the day. “I’d take out a joint and light it. As for putting the story of her life to film, Streisand was super clear. “After I’m gone. And ex-husband Elliott Gould told the Guardian “of course” he’s smoked weed. “I don’t do that now, because I’m centred and balanced and I don’t want to alter that,” he said last year. That one time, Streisand recently said, was at the Los Angeles Forum in the 1970s, per Vanity Fair. We are in the era of the celebrity weed mom.

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Cannabis is not really Barbra Streisand’s thing. That may be why the Oscar winner, who also counts multiple Grammys and Grammy Hall of Fame and Lifetime Achievements nods to her list of accomplishments, only tried it once.

Or at least that’s what the decades-long star of film and vinyl, including Release Me 2 last week, says is the way she remembers it.

That one time, Streisand recently said, was at the Los Angeles Forum in the 1970s, per Vanity Fair. In fact, it may have been the 1972 concert, later transformed...

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