Study Reveals: Prohibition States Witness Spike in Delta-8 THC Use

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Interestingly, those who did not have access to legal cannabis were twice as likely to have used delta-8 THC products. Ultimately, a broader understanding of emerging cannabinoids such as delta-8 THC would be beneficial to consumers and the cannabis industry alike. The study found that 25% of respondents had used emerging cannabinoids in the past year, with more significant usage of delta-8 THC reported in states without legal cannabis. This regulatory environment may change if more states opt for widespread cannabis legalization, potentially impacting consumer demand for delta-8 THC and similar products.Accessibility Remains a Key Driver of Delta-8 THC Use in States without Cannabis LegalizationThe AMA-funded study shines a light on an important factor driving the increased use of cannabinoids like delta-8 THC in states without legal cannabis: accessibility. These compounds are much more readily available to consumers who do not have access to legal cannabis options, further highlighting the unintended consequences of prohibition policies.

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A recent study funded by the American Medical Association (AMA) reveals that people living in states where cannabis is illegal report a higher likelihood of using cannabinoids such as delta-8 THC. This increased use suggests that prohibition may inadvertently encourage the consumption of these less-regulated substances. 

The study found that 25% of respondents had used emerging cannabinoids in the past year, with more significant usage of delta-8 THC reported in states without legal cannabis....

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