Task Force in North Carolina Recommends Legal Cannabis

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Legal states are currently reporting a total of more than $250 million in tax money from 2018. Therefore, the governor used Executive Order 145 this summer to call a task force to look for solutions to the issues minorities face when it comes to daily discrimination and the legal system. Potential Impact of Legalization However, some doubt that legalization is the best way to help with racial equity. The North Carolina Task Force for Racial Equity in Criminal Justice would like to see its home state follow suit in embracing the newly emerging industry.The task force was first called by Governor Roy Cooper, who knows that the South currently has two problems to deal with in light of 2020 events: racial tension and economic hardships. It could also lead the way for a legal industry to spring forth in the future.Currently, North Carolina allows CBD for medical use in some cases, but really doesn’t have much of a medical program, and absolutely no recreational legality.

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During the tough financial times of COVID, many states are turning to legal or medical cannabis to boost the economy and repair the damage done by the war on drugs. The North Carolina Task Force for Racial Equity in Criminal Justice would like to see its home state follow suit in embracing the newly emerging industry.The task force was first called by Governor Roy Cooper, who knows that the South currently has two problems to deal with in light of 2020...

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