The #1 Thing This Doctor Wishes Other Physicians Knew About Cannabis

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I perform medical cannabis evaluations in the context of a full-scope general and holistic medical practice. “I help patients integrate medical cannabis in the context of a full-scope general and holistic medical practice. I help patients integrate medical cannabis in the context of a full-scope general and holistic medical practice. Over the last 15 years, my medical cannabis career has been based on anecdotal and clinically applied evidence. Chin is now registered with the New York State Medical Cannabis Program.

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“I help patients integrate medical cannabis in the context of a full-scope general and holistic medical practice. CBD is an empowering medicine.”

With over a decade of experience practicing medicine in California, Dr. June Chin has focused her life’s work on educating people and healthcare workers about cannabis and fighting stigmas associated with the medicine.

A Bronx native, who moved back to New York several years ago, Dr. Chin is now registered with the New York State Medical Cannabis Program. She is currently treating both children and adults in New York and is with, a personalized...

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