U.S. Marijuana Industry Adds Over 440,000 Jobs Despite Regional Dips

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In Michigan, for example, the marijuana industry saw an 11,000-job boom, representing a 39% growth from a year earlier. Moreover, fluctuations in the U.S. cannabis job market only emphasize the importance of flexibility and adaptability when operating in an ever-changing environment like the legal marijuana industry. However, the industry report remains optimistic, projecting a turnaround within the next couple of years and expecting the U.S. marijuana market to be worth $87 billion by 2035. The Road Ahead: Balancing Mature and Emerging Markets While some U.S. regions are experiencing setbacks in their cannabis job markets, the overall outlook for the nation’s marijuana industry continues to be positive. Consequently, despite the short-term decline in mature markets, the long-term outlook for the U.S. cannabis industry remains positive, with substantial job growth expected over the next few years.

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The U.S. witnessed a 5% increase in full-time marijuana jobs over the last year, with more than 440,000 full-time equivalent positions supported by the legal cannabis industry, according to a new report from Colorado-based marijuana staffing company Vangst and analytics firm Whitney Economics.

The growth, however, was unevenly distributed throughout the nation; emerging markets such as Michigan and Missouri saw substantial expansions, while mature markets like Colorado and Washington experienced job losses.

In Michigan,...

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