What Is Delta 8 THC?

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Scientists have also found that the human body’s cannabinoid receptors have a harder time binding with delta 8 THC than delta 9 THC. This is likely why delta 8 is a much less potent form of THC.  For those who regularly consume THC products, or delta 9, the effects from delta 8 may feel very mild. Types of Delta 8 THC products Delta 8 products look similar to state-regulated THC products found in dispensaries. Unlike Delta 9 THC products, which can only be sold by state-licensed dispensaries, delta 8 is both manufactured and sold without any regulatory standards. Delta 8 THC is a psychoactive substance and even though its THC content is very low, new cannabis consumers may experience more intense effects than those who regularly consume CBD and THC products. The unregulated cannabis industry has begun extracting delta 10 THC, a similar compound to delta 8.

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The rapid growth of the cannabis industry and the complicated legal status of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) have created unique conditions for entrepreneurs, and their innovation has brought a new product to the marketplace. Delta 8 THC or ∆8-THC​​, a hemp extract with THC levels under the federal legal limit, is being infused into an array of consumable products. Delta 8 products are popping up on the shelves of convenience stores, and online retailers are quickly growing in numbers to keep up with the market’s demand. 

Unlike Delta 9 THC products,...

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